The Inter-district Conference (IDK) will take place in the common room of the Belvoir Rowing Club. It will start at 2 pm with a welcome speech of the CRSL president, Mr. Jonas Frieg, and of the Country Representative, Mr. Michele Serra.
The word will then be given to Ms. Bea Seiterle, Governor 21/22 of the District 2000. The Governor will share her message to us. This is a good opportunity for the members of the D2000, but also for all other clubs, to interact with the Governor and develop new strategies for finding support in the Rotary Clubs. Share ideas and customise them to your own needs. Do not forget to foster the relationship with the Rotary Clubs. This is extremely important for the local development of your clubs.
At 2.25 pm, the next international events and Swiss charter celebrations will be presented.
At 2.30 pm, Polaris, the common information system of Rotary Switzerland Liechtenstein will be presented. Polaris is not an optional feature of your club file. It is a system which coordinates all informations of our three Districts with Rotary International. The system facilitate your clubs to fulfil all requirements of the new directives of Rotary International. Failure to adopt Polaris in your club life will results in consequences. These range from fines to closure of the club. Few examples of noncompliance are failure to report current and elected board and current members, failure to report personal information of club members, and failure to upload club events and projects. For your information, Polaris is connected to an automatised statistical system that allows Rotary International and us, the CRSL, to assess your club performance. Actions can be taken according to the assessed performance.
A detailed explanation on how Polaris works is not possible within the timeframe of the IDK. Therefore, at the following link, you can find a workshop on how to use Polaris: The link is protected with a password. To be granted access, you can send an email to
At 3 pm a break will be granted and the conference will resume after 15 minutes, at 3.15 pm.
At 3.15 pm, the three District Rotaract Representative (DRR) will be given ten minutes each to present a report of their districts. The DRRs will reveal the elected DRRs and DDRRs for the Rotarian year 22/23.
At 4 pm, the candidates for the open positions of the CRSL board will be given five minutes each to present themselves and support their candidature. For each candidate, up to ten minutes of questions are available. After a ten minutes break, voting for the new CRSL board members will open. The new CRSL board for the Rotarian year 22/23 will be announced at the conclusion of the voting.
At 5 pm an open-mic session will be open for 30 minutes. If you would like to book a slot, send an email and the planed presentation to
In case of important topics that need to be added to the main agenda of the conference, please communicate this by email to These will be included as much as possible into the agenda.