laugardagur, 3. október 2015, RAC Mittelland
  • Vivianne Huber

Every Swiss Rotaractor is invited to this Fun-Event, please check out the program and hopefully see you soon.
13.15 Meeting point @ Waldhütte Dägerli, Windisch
13.45 Minigolf (if it rains too much to play, we will stay in the Waldhütte)
16.00 Apero at the Waldhütte Dägerli
18.15 Cheesy Evening (Chääsiger Abend)

There will be music later as well and we can stay as long as we like. You can even stay the night!
Bring your own sleeping bag and little mattress and stay the night in the Waldhütte Dägerli. (There are toilets but no showers)

There are 3 different parts that you can sign up for.
Minigolf (5 Chf)
Apero and Games (5 Chf)
Cheesy evening (10 Chf)

Once you have signed up please transfer the owed amount of money to the following account via e-banking until the 1st October 2015. Remember to write “Fun-Event” at the reason for paying (Zahlungszweck).
Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, 5600 Lenzburg Clearing Nr. 8307 PC Nr. 50-69-8 Rotaract Mittelland, Postfach 3610, 5001 Aarau IBAN Nr. CH9808307000228808308, Konto Nr. 228.808.308
I am looking forward to seeing many of you there. It would be great if each club could be represented by at least 1 – 2 people. But the more the merrier of course!
I would like to already say a big thanks to Rotaract Mittelland and especially Camilla Stawiski for the organisation of this first Fun-Event.

Kontakt:  Camilla Stawiski Phone: 076 525 72 75

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