Calendrier: Événements passés et compte-rendus

  • PM/IDK 2023 Fribourg (Old)

    samedi 6 mai 2023 08:00-23:00

    THIS IS AN OLD VERSION, PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK TO REGISTER TO THE NEW EVENT: Dear Fellow Rotaractors, This year's President Meeting (PM) and Inter-District Conference (IDK, D1980, D1990, D2000) will take place in Fribourg on the 6th of May. For this occas...

    Domaine Notre-Dame de la Route Swiss Lodge
  • PM/IDK 2023 Fribourg - 06.05.2023

    samedi 6 mai 2023 08:45-23:30

    Chers collègues Rotaractiens, La réunion des Présidents (PM) et la Conférence Inter-District (IDK, D1980, D1990, D2000) de cette année auront lieu à Fribourg le 6 mai. Pour cette occasion, un lieu a été réservé dans le centre-ville de Fribourg. Un grand MERCI à Constance de Reau, Marc Denervaud et ...

    Grand-Rue 68
  • RAC D1980 Distriktanlass

    samedi 18 novembre 2023 14:00-22:00

    Im meistbesuchten Museum der Schweiz entdecken wir Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Mobilität. Viele interaktive Attraktionen erwecken die Themenbereiche Strasse, Schiene, Wasser, Luft und Weltall zum Leben. Der grosse Freiluftbereich mit Spielmöglichkeiten lädt bei jedem Wetter zum Verweil...

  • RAC D1980 Distriktanlass

    samedi 23 mars 2024 13:00 - dimanche 24 mars 2024 13:00

    Distriktanlass Frühling 2024 - LUGANO Programm*: Samstag, 23.03.2024 14 Uhr: Treffpunkt / Besammlung am Bahnhof Lugano 14:30 Uhr: Start Social-Event 1730 Uhr: Apéro 19:30 Uhr: Dinner (Canvetto Luganese) Sonntag, 24.03.2024 10 bis 12 Uhr: Brunch (optional und freiwillig) * Änderungen und/oder ...

  • PM/IDK

    samedi 20 avril 2024 09:00-20:00

    GGeneral Information: Participation Fee PM & IDK: CHF 30.00 (Twint or Cash)  Participation Fee IDK only: CHF 20.00 (Twint or Cash)  Location: Klubschule Migros, Schweizerhofquai 1, 6004 Luzern Programm: Presidents Meeting (morning) 0900 - 0930 a.m: Arrival, Registration, Coffee 0930 - 0945 a....

  • PM/IDK 2025

    samedi 12 avril 2025 - dimanche 13 avril 2025

    Technopark Liechtenstein - Schaanerstrasse 27 Dear CRSL members,, It is our pleasure to invite you to this year’s Presidents Meeting and Inter-District Conference (PM/IDK) of the Committee of Rotaract Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which will be held in Liechtenstein., This event is an opportunity to connect with fellow Rotaractors, exchange ideas, and participate in discussions that shape the future of CRSL. It is also an opportunity to learn from others' experiences, contribute your insights, and strengthen your network within Rotaract., We strongly encourage all members, regardless of their role or level of experience, to attend and actively engage in this inspiring and collaborative event. Your participation will contribute significantly to making this gathering impactful and memorable.Please use the Link in the event description to register for the event.See you in Vaduz!
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