This week we will have our informal meeting at the Amboss Rampe for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where p...
This week we will have our informal meeting at the Secret's Island for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event wher...
Wir freuen uns, unser 10-jähriges Jubiläum zu feiern! Am 21. Juni 2025 findet unsere Charterfeier statt, und wir laden euch herzlich ein, diesen besonderen Anlass mit uns zu erleben. Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze. Save the Date – wir freuen uns auf euch!